
Thursday 4 November 2010

An open letter to NKOTB fans...

So, after months of speculation, the worst kept secret in pop music history became official yesterday, NKOTB and BSB are touring together next year. Cue mass hysteria, lots of panty wetting, wild rumours, speculation.....and that's just Donnie's tweets. ;-) I am in the unfortunate position of being off work at the moment, unable to move off the couch so have been able to have a rather thorough read of what is being said about this tour.

I try wherever possible not to go to the very often because I find it to be a life sucking pit or negativity, lots of complaining and informative, interesting topics such as "Does Jordan follow you?" I'm not sure what response they are looking for that extends beyond a simple Yes or a No but I suspect it is really just a post so author can brag about aforementioned follow. However, I broke my exile for a few hours because I just knew that this announcement would produce the most interesting posts in months. You can always rely on a Blockhead to have a good all moan!! So lets look at some of the main complaints about this tour shall we....

1. Why are NK touring with BSB? They don't need anyone else.

I don't like to buy at all in to stereotype's of Americans. I love Americans, I think they are great people however comments like this do make you think otherwise. A well respected British comedian called Stewart Lee said in one of his stand up shows once "If an American was trapped in a bomb shelter with a tea cosy for 3 months (that's a woolly thing that old people in England put over the tea pot to keep the tea warm), the American would not even be curious enough to see if the tea cosy would make a serviceable hat. The sub-text of that being, that the stereotype of American is that they take everything on face value and don't often consider other options or ask themselves questions.

Do you really, honestly think that if NK could pack out stadiums or even arenas on their own and have all of the profits for themselves that they wouldn't do it? Of course they would! The reunion show was a big seller because it was just that.....a reunion after 15 years, an event more than a concert. People who would not normally pay for a New Kids ticket went out of curiosity. The last tour was small casino venues and they were not sold out for all shows. Say what you want, that's the reality. Tickets were not sold out. RCMH was not sold out on all 3 nights. The Fillmore was not sold out and that was even with a captive audience of fans, all in town waiting for the cruise. Why else do you think Jason was standing on the corner, giving away tickets??

I think when you are so into the 'NK bubble' you tend to get an overinflated sense of their popularity. You're surrounded everyday by other fans talking about them on Twitter, dissecting everything, stalking them wherever they go, hype from certain members of the band making the whole thing seem bigger than it really is in reality. That is their job though, you need the hype factor to generate excitement. But the reality is this, NK cannot fill the kind of venues that they want to fill without the pull of BSB also. Likewise, BSB have their own agenda for teaming up with NK. Both bands are not as popular as they used to be but combining the two of them in a big, hyped up, PR fuelled event will get bums on seats and tickets sold. It's the cross-pollination philosophy. They are very smarty teaming up with a band of the same ilk, who have as dedicated fans in order to have shared success and also make new fans. BSB fans may NEVER have even heard of NK but might become NK fans after seeing them live. Those BSB fans then may be more inclined to attend any future NK shows. Its not a case of NK wanting to tour with BSB cause them love them so much or vice versa, its a business venture with a common generate ticket sales, to sell more merchandise and to gain new fans. Plain and simple.

2. I hate the fact that I am going to have to pay more money to see half an NK show. I hate BSB!

Yeah? Well, the wonderful thing about being born a human is that YOU are in charge of your own mind and your own decisions. You don't want to pay to see NK and BSB.....well do us all a favour and stay at home. Of course you are not going to do that, you'll buy a ticket and probably act like a spoilt 12 year old (as some of you did at RCMH) and sit your ass down with a face like a smacked arse whenever BSB are on stage. If you are going to act like that, stay at home and watch the YouTube can skip through those ghastly BSB songs at your leisure then. God forbid, you pay for a ticket and are subjected to the abject torture that is "I Want It That Way". *eye roll* And you know what? At least all of the BSB's can hold a tune....think what its gonna be like for the BSB fans that have to sit through an off key version of "I Got It". That'snot meant to be a hideous slam on Donnie, Donnie brings more than anyone to that group by way of swagger, charisma and PR but he is not the strongest singer, he does not sound great live sometimes and I am sure the BSB fans will think WTF? They don't have the benefit like we do of knowing how important Ddub is to NK in general and therefore forgiving his average singing voice. I'm pretty sure NK fans will be the first to criticize if any of the BSB's have a bad singing night. Ya get me? Probably not. lol

So back to my point, if you consider it to be half a show that you are paying for, save your money or give it to charity, whatever gives you joy joy feelings inside. Some of us consider it to be getting to see two great acts and a little piece of history all on one stage. Do not sit there andbleat on about NK's touring on their own....its not happening, NKOTBSB is happening. The quicker you deal with that, the better you will feel. lol

Also, can we lose the dramatic adjectives?? "I'm devastated". "This has ruined my life". "I can't sleep from the stress of it all". Seriously.....its a pop concert. If NKOTB have the ability to ruin your entire life by announcing they are touring with BSB then may I suggest you take a long, hard look at your priorities.

3. I don't want to share a concert hall with a bunch of immature 18 year olds!!!

LOL. Just LOL. Again its a stereotype that Americans do not fully get ironical statements BUT I'm pretty sure most can see the irony surrounding that little gem. Firstly, the majority of BSBfans are not going to be 18 year olds. BSB started when? Around 1993 ish? So technically a year before NKOTB broke up. I was 14 years old in 1993. If you take it that most kids get into boy bands at roughly 8 or 9 years old then that would make BSB fans no more 5 - 6 years younger than us. Probably older for the most part. We are all going to be roughly the same age with a few exceptions. There will be no great 20 year age gap and total disconnect that some people seem to be propagating. It's just maths. Get out your calculators.......if your Amish, try an Abacus or some other wood based calculating tool.

Now lets move on to this issue that BSB fans are going to be silly, immature, girls. Um, we've all been to NK concerts. Things I've noticed about the "mature" New Kids fans. They sit in lobbies all day waiting for a sighting, they suck up to all the crew, they stalk buses, hotels, they beg for twitter follows, they complain when a show is not in their state let alone in another country, they push and shove and use underhand tactics to benefit themselves, they spend countless hours gossiping on stupid gutter websites about their marriages and relationships, they are constantly trying to outdo other fans, they expect everything to be convenient for them and complain if its not, fans that legitimately win comps get threats and nasty threads created about that, anyone seen to have an "in" is either befriended by shady people who just want to use them for their connections or totally exiled....i could go on for hours. Are these the actions of mature women? I by no means mean that EVERYONE is like that, but there are a lot and its very transparent. People hate Miss Tattoo. I don't. Sure, her posts come across annoying sometimes but does it affect my life so much so that I want to tweet something hateful to her? Not at all. In fact, I kind of respect the fact that she is totally out there and unashamed of her celebrity obsession. Does she tweet alot of thing to make others envious? Probably, lol. So what? For the most part, most fans will tweet every detail of every interaction that they have with an NK so why lampoon her for doing the same thing? Look at yourself and your actions before pointing the finger at others.

Again, I've gone off on a tangent so my point is, NK fans are immature sometimes. I'm sure there will be BSB fans that are just the same, but saying that they are somehow going to be more immature is silly based on some age game that you haven't even estimated correctly in the first place. Maturity is not entirely based on someones age. Its about someones attitude. WORD!

4. They are not coming to Europe because they don't love us. I'm tired of them ignoring us!

If you're tired, then go take a nap. The answer to this lies in the answer to the first question. Do you have any idea what it takes to take a tour overseas? Not only financially, but logistically? Probably not. For them to go overseas the pay-off has to be big. Not only does it cost a lot more to fly over equipment needed to stage a show plus all the people involved, plus accommodationfor everyone in expensive European cities etc think about their families. They have to leave their families for months at a time and are not in a position to just hop a quick flight home on a free weekend. They all have young kids so the payoff needs to greatly outweigh the sacrifice.

Where the line gets blurred is that since the advent of Twitter, people seem to buy greatly into this thing that we are one big family and the NK's are our buddies who love us and would do anything for us. It's a nice thought, but you are living in a dream world. Getting a DM from a New Kid does not mean you are their best friend. If one of them recognises you and says something nice to you or hugs you at a show, it does not mean they think you are special. This whole touchy-feely world that has been created, a lot of the time by the NK's is not real. It's Marketing. They want you to feel this way about them cause if you feel like you are their best friend that translates into more $$$'s for them. I'm not saying they don't like their fans at all, I'm saying there is a difference between appreciating their fans and being best buddies with them. That is an illusion that people who need something to cling on to buy into wholeheatedly. You see it everyday on twitter, the constant "I love you" tweets going to the NK's. Do you love Joey McIntyre the same way you love your husband? Or your kids? No. Does Ddublove his fans more than Edub? No. I know "I love you" is a lot of the time just used to convey a deep appreciation for them adding a little va-va-voom to your life but honestly, love is a serious deep emotion that should be saved for the people that you really do love, not bestowed lightheartedly on someone you've put on a pedestal for years and have seen a few times in your life for max 30 seconds. I have never tweeted, I love you, to any NK and never will. I find itdisingenuous and very strange.

If you need a clearer example of how "love" is used to manipulate us, look no further than Donnie's tweet from today. LMAO!!

Donnie Wahlberg Money- meaningless. Love- endless. Live to give!

Some people took that to mean that Donnie just loves us so much. A lot of people took it the way I did, a canny marketing ploy to shift tickets. The romantic idea that in this "family" money means nothing, everything is motivated by love. Forget money worries, buy a ticket so we can all be together to share in this love fest of epic proportions! haha! I don't blame Donnie. I think he is so smart. He knows 90% will buy in to it and about 5% on top of that will at least pretend to. That tweet was a masterpiece of smart, manipulative, oratorical fireworks!!

So again my point is, buying into this feeling that NK should tour based on "love" is ridiculous. They are not a charity. They are not going to do an expensive tour overseas and leave their families for months to LOSE money.

I appreciate that a lot of these comments stem from just a big disappointment. I get that. I am a European, I have never seen NK in the UK. Not even when they were here 2 years ago. Every show I've been too I have had to travel for and, excluding Chicago, have had to pay thousands of dollars for. I don't like it. I would much rather stay in London and travel 5 mins down the road to the O2 Arena and see them but that is not an option. I have plenty of other things that money could be used for but I'm not going to complain about it because its my choice to fly over for a concert. I try to see the big picture and understand the reason behind the desicionsthat are made and take my personal feelings out of it. The people I feel sorry for are not the Europeans, its people in Asia and Australia who had the concert dangled in front of their eyes and then ripped away again. I'm not going to complain about a 6 hour flight to NYC compared to their 20+ plus hour flight from Sydney. Perspective.

The one thing that does bug me is people in the US who complain when a show is a 2 hour drive away and act like its such a hardship to travel all that way. LOL!! Give me a break.

Plus, you don't know for sure yet where this tour is going to go. Bands at the moment don't tend to release all tickets/venues straight away. They see what the demand is like first.NK/BSB will use the US sales as a tester. I would imagine more and more dates will be added as demand increases. If there is a huge demand then it could turn into branching out to other parts of the globe so being all pissy and mad at this stage is kind of pointless.

The way some people act its like they feel that NK/BSB are doing this to piss us off. Yeah I'm sure they are all sitting there thinking, lets do something that is really gonna make the fans mad. Of course they are not. This is a GOOD thing they are doing. They give us a lot, way more than most bands but the consequence of this is that people's expectations go up until they become unrealistic. It makes me sad that BSB fans are probably logging onto the website and seeing all these ridiculous posts from so called "mature" NK fans about this tour and about BSB fans in general. We cannot go onto their forum without paying £39.95.....see how good our boys are? We don't have to pay to be members of their website.

If you are someone that likes taking the moral high ground over BSB fans, the best way to do it is not to make whiney posts like some 12 yr old fan girl with a scuffed knee somewhere where they can read it. We are representatives of the band we support and our actions and behaviours reflect on ourselves, other fans and the band.

At the end of the day, I want BSB fans to go to this concert, see NKOTB and how amazing they are and want more! I want them to come to NK concerts, I want them to join our website, I want them to tweet with us. More fans means NK will be able to continue for longer and isn't that what we all want? It feels sometimes like the NK world is somewhat closed off to outsiders and that is they way people like it. I can see where you are coming from somewhat, its initimate, like a secret club BUT being that way is the fastest way to NK disappearing again. A band is nothing without fans.....and lots of them.

So, that is my opinion on everything I have read.

Will I be going to the NK/BSB tour. Possibly! I shall see if time and money will allow and make MY desicion based on what makes me happy.

To all those who are positive about this tour. Well done! Please pick up your "Good girl button" and big ole hug upon exiting this blog.

This blog is just my personal opinion and "reply" to the things I have read over the past 24 hours.

Peace.Love.TheBlog...I mean TheBlock ;-)
@jordanknight #deluxepackage

Please feel free to leave comments :-)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well said! I am really looking forward to these concerts. NK wouldn't put on a half assed show & I know they will make this just as awesome as all the others & most importantly, I'll be spending time having fun with my friends! That's what it should be about!
    There are two points I'd like to comment on: 1. NK has plenty of teen & early 20's fans and I have often found them to act more maturely than fans in their 30's & 40's, so you are dead on with that. 2. I often tweet "I love you" to the guys. I mean it along the lines of "I love you for what you have given me." I believe you should tell people how you feel and though I don't love them like I love my mom, I do have love for them. I never would expect any one of them to say same in return. I'm definitely not delusional about where I stand with them, I'm just a fan :)

  3. Thanks for the comments! Carey, yes I totally agree with you. I did mention in the blog that a lot of the time "i love you" is used more as a term of appreciation than an actual, heartfelt sentiment. :-)

  4. I am a NKOTB fan and NOT a BSB fan. I am not going to go on bashing the fact that they chose to join together. I am a little disappointed and therefore have no interest to buy a ticket and go to the concert. I was at the RCMH last show when the BSB were the big surprise. I also did a meet and greet that night with the new kids. That was a great night but I did take a look around and see (when the BSB came on) that, yes, many of the fans were screaming, BUT I also heard (I was in 7th row) many women afterwards and even during that they could've lived without seeing the BSB adn I couldn't agree more. I actually was like WTF as I watched them come out. I was like "i don't care" "I don't like their music" "I don't know any of their songs" and to be honest, I just wish that everyone didn't assume that if you are an NKOTB fan that you are automatically a BSB fan just because they are a boy band. :) Ok, sorry...I vented.
    My point is just that I don't like to share, I guess. So it's great if you like both, then this is perfect for you, but it's not so perfect for me. I think tickets are going to be even HARDER to get than they already were for the last 4 shows that I went to.

  5. Hey Sparkle! No problem, I like debate! :-) I think you have assumed that I am someone who likes both bands. I'm not. I really am not into BSB at all. I barely know any of their songs and do not consider myself a fan by any stretch of the imagination.
    I was at RCMH that night too but despite not being a BSB fan so to speak, I felt that they should be given the respect from us as any other artist would be. They may not be your "cup of tea" but a band you love has invited them and I felt it was disrespectful to BSB and NK to sit down in protest. You don't have to like it, but give them the respect they deserve, as people performing for you if nothing else.
    That was my opinion on seeing that. I found it immature that people could not see past and see that history was occuring in front of them, whatever your personal feelings are to BSB.
    They deserved the respect that everyone should be accorded.

    Thanks for you comments!! :-))

  6. I saw, I just wanted to be clear that for myself it is just a term of endearment. LOL I've told coworkers that I love them. Once again, great blog


    My thoughts what you have written...
    I have to say I don´t like BsB much. I don´t like the Music but would I go to a show here in Germany or Europe and would sit in my seat while BsB on Stage??? I don´t think so.

    My 11 yr old daugther can´t wait to hear that are dates in Germany she LOVEs the NK´s like her mother and she like´s the musik from BsB and I would be sooooo Happy to see her beside me on her FIRST concert ever with an Happy Face.

    I would Love to see the Nk´s Live again. Yeahhhh for Europe dates with or without Bsb thats not the important thing for me.

    I see the marketing after this announcements for sure ...They Love to make Music...They Love to stay on Stage...They Love to see the Happy Faces in the audience but this all need to get payed for.
    I know not ONE singer or otherwise who would do it more then once or twice (Only for Charity) without the money at the end of the day, thats the point I think.

    And for the Europe part and other Countrys I think will the BSB the best magnet for the NK´s also. When I think 2 years back I found out about the reunion by surprise, only while they where a part in a German Movie, and even the 3 J´s where 1 hour drive and the Double D´s 2 hours, away from my city I didn´t know they where there month before, before I even knew about the reunion.

    The Marketing here in Germany SUCKS soooo BAD it isn´t funny anymore I had to let order my The Block CD in the Store no one there knew about this album. The 2 shows 2009 couldn´t be sold out. Why??? Not all old BH´s knew they where Back. Many of my old school friends where Fans back in the day when I had asked them how they feel about the Block I get a blank stare back…… What??? I dunno that there is a new album. What?? They are Back together why haven´t I heard about this???? What do ya talk about, I have to look after this???? Why I didn´t knew there where Shows?????

    And that is it what makes me so sad sometimes not the Guys are responsible here in Europe or elsewhere, no that’s the Job for the Marketing and honestly I hope for a few Shows and TV apperiences here in Europe and think when this Tour in the US is succesfull they will come overseas it is only the beginning and till I know for sure they will not come here I have great faith in all this.

    I hope you don´t mind my long comment and that you will over see all the typos when you see them, my English isn´t the best but since 2008 it goes better, the more I read and write.

  8. I've been formulating a lot of these thoughts in my head since the announcement was made. I'm so glad that you are such an expert blogger to put them all out there, almost just as I was thinking them. The thing that bothers me the most is the repetitive nature of people's complaining. OK, I understand, you're unhappy about it, but why must you talk about it nonstop?? The only person that these people are making feel bad are themselves! Register that you're unhappy, even vent about it if you want, but at some point, you have to move on from the unhappiness and think about something else, for heaven's sake!

  9. AHHH i forgot to mention that BSB is here in Europe more present then the NK and this will be good for the NKOTB to get new Fans.

    The Press here in Europe will mention the BSB and Nk more often in a bit than before i´m sure about this

    But one thing isn´t really right i think BSB isn´t complete :) LOL BUT WTH???? I will let me surprise what the Show will look next year

    WOOOO OK BSB announce Officially a Europe Tour too in the interview on Oprahs Website

  10. Guten Tag Deutschland!
    Your English is perfect, don't worry! Yes, you are right. They love performing, they love seeing the happy response from fans but its also a business and it has to be viable. And yes, its about showing other artists respect.

  11. Angela, yes I agree. I totally get that sometimes people just want to vent and complain. Thats natural. As you said, make your point and move on. Don't languish in it over and over again bringing everyone else down with you.

  12. Thank you for this blog! I wholeheartedly agree with what you said, I've been thinking much of the same things and doubt I would have put it together so well.

  13. For the record, I'm hoping Donnie raps at the AMA's & leaves the singing to Jordan & Joe. I love (oops, I mean I deeply appreciate) that man but as you stated, he's got great swagger, & he's the heart & soul of the group, but the harmonies just may not always be up to par.

    I may not follow enough NKOTB fans to have witnessed the negative comments regarding this upcoming tour. I am always grateful for any time after 1992 that our boys take the stage together. I can't imagine any NKOTB fan feeling otherwise. Really, in 2007 did anyone ever think they'd ever see them again, meet & greet them, & see them all over again, and again? The Kids aren't getting any younger, the arenas aren't getting any fuller, & if a joint venture with BSB is what it takes to see it happen 1 more time, then I'm all in.

    Lastly, I need to take a moment to point out the greatest part of your blog: @jordanknight #deluxepackage

  14. I´m so Happy right Now after that there are Europe confirmed only by BsB but thats ok i can´t wait and thanks Kate how do ya said the business part is the bigger part of all this i think they need the money to get this shows on the road not only for there own benefit (they think for sure a bit more money in the bank accounts isn´t bad either)

    and Jenny your totally right about this, i haden´t dreamt about see them live one day, 2 of my biggest dreams came true after I heard about the reunion.

    i have seen the guys all together for the first time in my life 2008 and i have my tattoo on my back now after this shows that wouldn´t be when they didn´t came together

    i said it before i don´t like bsb but maybe, live they will surprise me who knows and soo it will be with the bsb fans i think i don´t hate them so i will see them with our guys on stage and respect them also

    and ok donnie may be not the best singer but he is soooo present on stage i love to see him but not soo much how i love joe (and no i love both men not the same how i love my kids LOL) you know what i mean??? ;)

  15. Yes. Your contribution to the band can not solely be judged on how great a singer you are. Donnie, its fair to say I think, is not the strongest singer but he brings other things to the table and is the heart of the group.

    Jenny, thanks! And yes, lets focus on Jordans package instead! haha

  16. Here's my comments posted from another blog on this same subject:

    I understand people's frustration with the joint tour. However, I'm choosing to see the positive side of all this.

    My gut is telling me that NKOTB would not be able to sustain another tour, not by themselves & not without a new album. They haven't been outside the US/Canada since the reunion tour and that is saying something. We all saw the low turn out of the summer tour, it was lower than expected.

    Though the music business sucks with the way it is run sometimes you have to play the game. That being said I really believe that if the guys didn't want to do it they wouldn't do it. We've seen them go against the grain time & time again. Even Jon is on board and we know if he wanted to not go he WOULDN'T.

    As for the things that were said by members of BSB, 10 years ago I might add, I'm not excusing them. However, I think it is time for them to be forgotten and moved on. If the guys can forgive why can't the fans? Who hasn't done or said anything in their youth that they don't regret? You think Donnie is proud of the hotel room he destroyed? I don't think so.

    All this being said I just have to say I like BSB. I'm a a boy band junky. It started with the Motown groups - the Temptations, followed by New Edition & right on in to NKOTB. After them I liked BSB, NSYNC, O-Town, 5ive and so on. Am I super excited it's them on tour with NKs? No, I'd prefer NSNYC if I were picking. Will I still go? Yes! Why? Because I would like to see the boys perform again and BSB going with them is just an added bonus. When they came out at RCMH I was in a section of people that was SUPER excited. They all knew the words to their songs & enjoyed the moment.

    So why I understand everyone's frustration with the situation I'm a little shocked there is this much anger. If this is the only way that NKOTB can come to our hometowns I for one don't want to miss it.

  17. Amen! You put into words what I've been thinking, albeit a little more bluntly ;)

    Im a huge fan of both NK & BSB. I love them & their music for different reasons - NK during my ansty pre-teen years and BSB during college... So of course I was freakin' thrilled to pieces when I heard. Yes I want it that way!

    And then, the negative tweets roll in. Apparently 3/4 of my NK friends hate BSB. You'd think they'd be happy for me. Instead, I get the whiny "Why can't it be N Sync" or "I'm not paying that much money for BSB" or blah blah blah flooding my timeline. Can't a girl enjoy some amazingly awesome news without that? Y'know, if it was N Sync (I am not a fan), I honestly wouldn't give a F - I'd still be out there to support NK and not complain. It would be amazing to add Westlife or Take That to the mix... just saying coz I don't get to see them in the States!

    So thank you thank you for your post. And a hug right back at ya!

  18. Zandra, yes you are right. They need BSB to do big concerts again. There were a lot of empty seats on the summer tour but I think thats also partly due to the economy, a lot of artists cancelled tours due to poor ticket sales. You do have to play the game, totally.
    Yeah BSB made some derogatory comments about NK years ago, although I believe the comments were made by the member who is no longer in BSB. But that was 10 years ago. I feel sometimes that NK fans hold a grudge against them because of that. If the NK's have moved past it, why can't we. People say stupid things sometimes, we all do. Its like when fans slated JK for tweeting about liking Eminem, cause Eminem said something negative about boybands in one of his songs. Its still to me.

  19. Plus, you could also say that the NK's have said something derogatory about BSB. They did an interview for E! in Canada with Lainey and she asked the q, "NSYNC or BSB" and they all said NSYNC apart from Jon who said neither. lol

  20. tiktok9, yeah. Whenever anything is announced people complain. I really think some people just enjoy moaning and it doesn't matter what you give them, they will never be happy. The problem is with Twitter, one persons negativity can bring down everyone. We should be happy about this. its a good thing!
    i would LOVE to see NK with Take That. I love Take That and that would be an awesome concert but I dont see it happenning.

  21. Well said! I loved your blog and I agree with you. I have no long winded explanation of my views I think you've said it beautifully! I just leave you with my favorite quote from the movie Jerry McGuire..."It ain't show's show business." HUGS

  22. It aint show friends, its show business. I love that! ;-)

  23. Kate - so true! Most people regret some of the things they did in their youth. Who doesn't? It's time to put on our big girl pants & GROW UP.

    Wether people like it or not the tour is happening. Either go & have fun or stay home but whatever happens make yourself happy. There are bigger problems in the world than NKOTB & BSB touring together.

  24. I totally agree that whining at the concert like a baby was pretty sad to see. I didn't do that when BSB came out, I was just shocked and really am not a fan of theirs so I didn't fake it and go nuts with screams. I know that there are benefits to them "teaming up" but I think other NKOTB fans and also the BSB might like the combo and some might have prefered to see their "own" band but for those that like both, this is perfect for them. It all comes down to "you can't please the world" lol right?! I would still go and enjoy the NK's and also the BSB just because I am not necessarily a fan of theirs. I just hope that the meet and greets are separate because of how much I paid last time, I would rather get a little more time with just the ones I want to meet rather than all of them :)

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I am one who doesn't like BSB and was incredibly disappointed about the tour announcement. I stated my opinion initially in a couple of tweets and then continued my conversation with some likeminded individuals via dm.

    But there comes a time when you do need to make a decision. Like Angela's comments, you either need to say fine, I'm not going to participate and move on, or you need to find some way to embrace it.

    I'm not completely at the embrace stage, but I have continued conversations, both privately and publicly, with my concerns in a polite manner. Some of the concerns I had before are no longer bothersome and some were irrational. I know if I continue to talk about my concerns with friends respectfully that I will come to a point where I can either be content about this upcoming tour or not.

    I would really hate to have to miss going to an upcoming concert, but as Kate has pointed out, I'd rather save my money than go to a concert and be visibly upset.

    My recommendation to those who have their reservations about this upcoming tour -- talk to your friends. Don't vent on bulletin boards. Chances are they may know some things you don't (such as how the somewhat similar Justin Timberlake/Christina Aguilera tour was handled). And, if they don't, at least they're a better open ear than an eavesdropping BSB fan or an NK who really loves you but has already made his decision about what's happening next year!

    Sorry for the long post, Kate!

  27. I dont like idea with BSB too,I think its SUCKS i dont want them on stage with NK,maybe its a last tour and with BSB it will be eaven harder to say good bey,why they did to us this I dont understand!NKOTB I LOVE YOU WERRY MUCH and respect you truely but this tour I will never forgeth you....well whot we can do just take it as it is....

  28. I agree with just about everything you said. Once people realize this is a business, they might actually appreciate the tour. I agree 100% they are doing this more because they have to as opposed to wanting to. Like you said, its no secret they weren't selling out shows. I have no desire to see BSB, but it won't be the first time I've paid money to see a concert and not liked every act. I "love" NKs now as much as I did when I was 10 and I have no problem with who they tour with, as long as they tour!
    The drama ridden tweets from fans whose world is about to end, that's their feelings on the subject. While I don't care to read their tweets, they have a right to speak their mind like everyone else. That is what mute is for ;)
    I just hope I'm not sitting next to any of them when BSB take the stage!
    Great blog, you hit the nail on the head!

  29. Bloody well said girl!! Everyone should read this! :)

  30. Finally got the chance to read this, and this stood out to me most:
    "God forbid, you pay for a ticket and are subjected to the abject torture that is "I Want It That Way". *eye roll* And you know what? At least all of the BSB's can hold a tune....think what its gonna be like for the BSB fans that have to sit through an off key version of "I Got It". That'snot meant to be a hideous slam on Donnie, Donnie brings more than anyone to that group by way of swagger, charisma and PR but he is not the strongest singer, he does not sound great live sometimes and I am sure the BSB fans will think WTF? They don't have the benefit like we do of knowing how important Ddub is to NK in general and therefore forgiving his average singing voice. I'm pretty sure NK fans will be the first to criticize if any of the BSB's have a bad singing night"

    I have felt this way for a long time, so it's nice to see someone else say it out loud. I was a Big BSB/NSYNC fan when they first came out, but have not listened to much since. However, I could care less who tours with whom as long as I get to see the guys perform. I love watching them on stage, the interactions & fun they have goofin off & playing pranks while singing. That is what I pay to see (not to mention a shirtless Joe or Jordan). I hope that this tour is a success and they add more dates both here in the States & also in Europe for my overseas sistahs!
    Thanks for posting this because it is exactly how a lot of people feel!

  31. Hi! I'm an argentinian fan (from Argentina, just in case) and I must say that I admire your courage on posting this, you know there are many fans who hates reality. I'm agree with you. And I must add that fans from Latinamerica have this idea of being an strategy of bussines more real than many American fans, because we can see how We are ignored in a direct proportion of the marketing map (sorry about my english). In other words: for us, this is a fact. We experience this all the time. And of course, most of us find ridicolous the idea of a NKOTBSB "reunion".
    Well, my basic english doesn't allow to me to go on, but I wanted to let fans know that this feeling about this new "project" is an obvious desperate act to keep more money.

  32. Did you get to see them in England?

  33. It may seem a bit strange to comment on this so long after it was written but I saw the link to it at the end of this year's cruise blog and the title got me curious.
    I agree so much with pretty much everything you wrote that I spent my time nodding while I was reading *lol* I wasn't aware of the NK reunion at the beginning of the NKOTBSB chapter (learnt about it in March 2012) so I didn't experience all that negativity but what you wrote was still relevant when they announced the Package Tour last year from what I could read on and twitter. Yeah, a lot of head shaking.
    And I'm totally guilty of the "I love you" thing, especially after they announced the European Tour as it was my 1st time seeing them on stage. After waiting 25 years, I'm allowed a little craziness, right? *lol* But I do love them because of what their music means to me :)

    Anyway. You really have your way with words and it's an awesome blog :)
