
Wednesday 23 June 2010

NKOTB, Radio City: Concrete jungle where dreams are made of....

As the saying goes "you can never have too much of a good thing". I think this saying rings very true when less than a month after our bank accounts were cleaned out on the NKOTB cruise, we were all back together again for a less aquatic weekend of fun, frolics and high pitched squealing in the concrete jungle where dreams are made of....that's right bitches......NU YAWK! 
Ahhh those pesky New Kids! I really should be saving all my money so I can buy my house but once again my heart and throbbing loins over-ruled my head and no sooner could you say "It's getting hotter than The Block up in the summertime" I had my ass planted firmly in seat 22D on a Virgin Atlantic flight and was headed across the pond to shove $20 dollar bills in Jordan Knight's not so tight Papi pants.

I just like to start off by saying that you are damn lucky I am even here to write this blog after the somewhat traumatic incident on the plane. I'm a nervous flyer at the best of times and what I don't want to hear as we are coming into land at JFK airport is the pilot telling me there are strong cross winds so it may be a little "bumpy". A little bumpy?? He crashed that plane into the runway so hard that all the oxygen masks deployed. We then proceeded to skid from side to side down the runway. Some people screamed, some people whooped, some people let out a little bit of pee and found Jesus. I fell into the latter category. Sooo, when Captain Kangaroo finally managed to find the brakes we all got off, happy to be alive and proceeded to Immigration. Oh what fun that was! The biggest line you have ever seen in your life. I mean, I know security is tight at US airports but honestly, 3 fingerprints, a photo and an interrogation as to why you are there? What do they expect people to say...."yeah, I'm here to overthrow the American Government and install a NEW government made up entirely of monkies". When your flight is a Jumbo Jet carrying 600 passengers this whole process takes an eternity. 2 hours later, still in line. By the time I got to the front of the line I had lost the will to live and was kind of staring into space like a zombie not realising that the Immigration official was calling me to come to the booth. I apologised for my spaciness and he smiled and said to me "it was worth the wait!!" SCORE! I'm barely in the country and border security is already trying to flirt with me. That's more action than I've had for an entire year in London. God Bless America and its banner of spangled stars! ;-)

So I get out of the airport and jump in a taxi with some other UK Blockheads that were on my flight and we speed off towards Manhatton to our hotels. This was my 13th time in New York but I still get excited coming over the hill and seeing the NY skyline for the first time. There were 5 of is in the taxi going to 3 different hotels. This caused the Chinese driver to freak out and shout at us (imagine this in broken English and at 100 decibels) "I not go to 3 hotels! Flat rate only for 1 hotel. You pay on metre for other hotel. As I was the only one in the taxi who had a) been shouted at by an NYC taxi driver many times and b) lives in London and so is used to dealing with assholes, it was left to me to battle it out with our shitty cab driver. Told him to take us to The Muse Hotel where some of the girls were staying and I would walk to my hotel. He wasn't happy but meh, fuck him. lol. Don't mess with a Brit who hasn't had a ciggie or a coffee for 10 hours.

So we got to The Muse hotel and I said goodbye to the girls and dragged my suitcase 2 blocks to my hotel. This was made more difficult due to the fact that it was 7pm in the evening and the shole area around Times Square was packed with people waiting to get in to the various theatres that were scattered around. Finally got to my room at about 7:30pm. Hotel was lovely and the room was bigger than I was expecting. Jen and MC were driving from Montreal with an ETA of the everso convenient 3am....Jen had to attend her son's graduation. She said she felt bad leaving in the middle so would come after. Children....always fucking up our NKOTB schedule!! lol. I had the opportunity to go to the show that night but it was too late and I was too tired so decided to have a short power nap for an hour before getting food. Woke up at 2am.....oops! By 4am still no sign of Montreal's finest ladies. Still no sign at 6am. Finally at 7am I hear a tap tap tap on the door and before I know it, my sleepy little ass is being covered and kisses and cuddles from my two favourite blonde bitches! :-) WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?? I wailed. Turns out they got lost in Jersey when their GPS broke. I think the high levels of radiation coming off of Snookis fake tan caused the GPS to spontaneously combust. Oddly, it started working again on the less ghetto side of the Lincoln Tunnel. LOL!! *double fist pump*

We decide to head to a cafe and get some breakfast and have a gossip. I had to meet another Blockhead at 11am outside RCMH as she had purchased a ticket from me but I had to go pick it up. Also had three other spare tickets that I hadn't managed to sell on Twitter so we figured we would pimp them outside the venue. Dropped the price of the tickets and threw in a free $25 voucher for the NKOTB store and before we knew it we had people racing from different sides of the city to come get them. Had to put out a "First one to tackle me, gets the ticket disclaimer on twitter". Tickets sold. Mission completed. Money in pocket. Good day.

After breakfast we went to Walgreens. This is becoming somewhat of a tradition for our little group. In fact, I think we are doing a tour of all the Walgreens in the US. We love it in there! It's a shop....that has everything!! Where else can you buy a feather boa, Slim Jims and tampons all under one roof! We loaded up on these 5 hour energy shot drinks as the girls had been driving all night and I am just naturally lack lustre and sleepy 99.9% of the time. Plus Jen had bought a years supply of Ephedrine so we needed something to wash that shit down with. So with the mantra "I'll sleep when I'm dead" in my mind, we had our energy shots and went back to the hotel. Now I am not someone who takes prescription meds, energy drinks or anything like that so lets just say my body was kind of left to its own devices as to how it was going to deal with this infusion of guarana and caffeine. Turns out my body decided to go mental. I was on a high ALL DAY!!! Everything was hysterically funny. I couldn't stop moving and I even considered running up to the crowd of Scientology protesters screaming "KIRSTIE ALLEY SAYS HI!! BEAM ME UP SCOTTIE!!" I wish I had done now. The guy at the front dressed as an alien was pretty cute.

Now lets get on to the hotel "situation". There seemed to be a hell of alot of people hanging around outside our hotel. As got nearer to the loiterers I started to see a familiar looking logo on some familiar looking T-shirts. Yup, we had found all the NK fans. As my mind started to wonder if the New Kids were staying here my question was answered when the door opened and out came Joe pushing a stroller followed by about 20 hopeful looking fans. We didn't go over to him as he looked to be struggling with the whole open door and push stroller through whilst still looking cool manoevre. Of course, a lot of fans don't take the same approach so he had to deal with them all up in his face too. I believe I heard him say "I can't right now, sorry". This didnt seem to dimish their lustre for some Joey Joe Facetime so of course they ignored him and carried on making his life way more difficult than needs be.

When he finally made it outside the fans that were following him ran back inside shreiking and hollaring like it was the most exciting moment of their lives. Ya know, seeing Joe.....walking. Personally, my Dean and Deluca skinny vanilla latte was more interesting to me at that point. So we knew that Joe was staying in our hotel, hence the pandemonium outside. The hotel was well prepared for the craziness, only letting people in who had guest cards. The lobby was also full of NK fans all sitting around....waiting, I guess for an NK sighting. I can imagine the stories they got to tell when they went home "NYC was sooo cooool! We sat in the lobby of the hotel from 10am to 5am every single day. One time, Jimmy Marsh said hey! Best trip ever!!!" lol. I hasten to add, Jimmy Marsh was also loitering in the lobby so we figured that Donnie was staying here also. I think we were the only fans who did NOT book the hotel based on the fact that the NK's were staying there. We honestly had no clue, kind of funny.

Decided to go back to the room and start to get ready. We ended up with 5* on Friday night. We didn't originally have 5* tickets but a client of Jen's who has connections was looking to do her a favour and the favour was hooking us up with M&G tickets to the show which was awesome! Due to this, we had to be ready and at RCMH by 3:45pm. I decided to have curly hair that night and so needed to get my bendy rollers in quick so they could set for a while. Of course, there is no way on earth I can sit for 3 hours without going outside for a that is what I did. Went out on the street with my rollers in looking like a moron. To make me feel less retarded Jen kindly put her hair in bunches. If it wasn't for the fact that she was quite clearly humouring me, her hairstyle could have been mistaken for mental illness. It's an unwritten rule from the Gods that like to play cruel tricks that when you are standing on a New York street with rainbow coloured rollers in, that you will inevitably bump into someone you wish you hadn't. Cue World Of Johnny, who comes strolling up with his case to gasps of "didn't Ddub fire your ass??" I'm not a huge WOJ fan, I think he's shady and a bit creepy so his slow walking past the hotel waiting for someone to notice him kind of made me giggle. He hung around outside for an un-natural amount of time for a man that just got off a plane and needed to check in. That kind of sealed the deal that Ddub was infact staying there......where Bert is, Ernie is sure to follow. I make no bones about not liking WOJ much. I love you Donnie, truly, but I'm not a Johnny fan. I guess you can't like everyone. Anyways, more about WOJ later....

So after being laughed at by everyone walking past the hotel we scurried back inside. Jen saw Earl on the way in and stopped to give him a hug. He didn't seem too unhappy about this! We finished getting ready in our carefully selected outfits. We generally like to have a little theme running through the 3 of us. Normally its hats, that night it happened to be dark glasses and little dresses. There is something uncomforatable about being dressed up like a Xmas tree at 3pm in the afternoon. As we walked to RCMH I wanted to shout.....we are off to an event!! We aren't just trying to be all Sex and the City and overdressed for the hell of it!

As we had 5* we were allowed to join the "special line" for "special people". When we got to the booth to pick up the tickets we were given an envelope. We were so excited to see what row we had got, ripped open the was empty! We all looked at each other confused. Spoke to the RCMH staff and after a lot of Chinese whispers they figured out we were friends of "Harry" and so our tickets were not being issued until 7pm. We were then escorted immediately past the line of people and down to the VIP area. We were the first ones in there!

It was really nice.....soooo much free food of which I could eat none of it as my dress was so tight I feared that even the smell of a mini-quiche and a semi-warm sausage roll would force the stiching to split open revealing my delightful Bridget Jones-esque spanx pants to the world. The disadvantage of having no tickets at this stage is that we missed out on the free drink coupons and so ended up paying $15 dollars for a bright red cocktail called "The Right Stuff". $45 for 3 drinks!!! At that price, the mixer better have been the semen of a New Kid or they were totally not worth it! :-) So after spending the GDP of a small third world nation at the bar, we were ready to rock n roll!

The VIP area started to fill up. I got to finally meet people that I speak with alot on Twitter but have never met which was really cool! People like @MLeonard1028 (pictured) @ATLAngela @Kristie311....all really nice, beautiful chickies! Oh and I forgot to say that I met @VivSmith in the elevator of the hotel earlier, so lovely! We spent an abnormal amount of time in the RCMH restroom taking photos simply because the restroom rocked!! Very fancy and huge! Loved it! When we went back outside the RCMH dude who was looking after us ticket-less fools said to us that we would be in the first group to go in and see the NK's. You've never seen 3 girls reach into their bags for perfume as quick as we did at that moment. He took us over to the door and we stood and waited. All of a suddent the NK's appeared and filed into the room past us. Jordan was with his mini-me, cute! A bit more confusion later and they decided that we would be in the last group to go in. Phew! At least an hour to re-do our makeup and get drunk enough to be confident and vivacious but not quite drunk enough to have to worry about vomiting on a New Kid. Imagine that, you would forever be cemented in their mind as barf girl. That is so not hot.

So we waited, we mingled and tried to figure out a way to smuggle in a present that Jen and MC had bought for Jordan. They bought him a pair od Superman under-pants. Upon inspecting them, there was no way that even he could fill those. Maybe he could pass them on to AnaJONda. lol. Jen decided to hide them up her sleeve. We got in line with our group....who we would had never met before. Proving that Jen couldn't smuggle beer into brewery the eagle eyed RCMH official reached into her dress and pulled out the Superman pants...LMAO!!! I have NO idea how she saw them. She held them up high above our heads...what are these??? Um.....Superman pants......for Jordan *smile* You can't take them in said the official!! Booo. I wanted to throw Kryptonite at her as she quite clearly is not of this earth with that x-ray vision!

So the time came to file in for the photo. I was wearing skyscraper heels and planned to take them off so JK did not feel to short! lol. The first person I see when I go in is Charlie. Stopped to give him a hug and then the next person was Jon. The first thing I noticed was the little wrinkles round his smiling eyes. He's so lovely is Jon. He remembered me from Chi and the cruise, gave me a hug and said hi. Next person I see is Jordan. Ahhh, I adore this man. We have a hug, I stare at his little nose mole for a few seconds and then do the old Jordan girl favourite move....hand on abs for photo! I said to him I was gonna take my shoes off, he told me to leave them on. I said to him, oh I'll slouch a little then, he laughed and said, no stand up. All I really remember is his shirt he was wearing. It was really really soft. Like cashmere or something. All to quickly the photo was done. I turned away from JK to walk away and heard Joe saying to MC that she looked really beautiful. As I went to walk past, Joe grabbed me and hugged me and said "good to see you again" and then, in a moment that was unexpected and made me melt a little inside, he held both my hands, looked at me and said "You look really really beautiful tonight!" My brain was confused. I'm Jordan, Jordan, Jordan all the here's Joe handing out the compliments with Jordan standing right there listening and my brain did not know what to do. I was blind-sided by the baby blues and for at least 10 seconds, I was a Joe girl!! I managed to get out a "thank you Joe" and then he said "I mean it, you really do". It was all a bit hazy but I think Jordan said something about my dress being nice but I can't really remember. It was all very bizarre but Joe is definately my number 2 NK now. It doesn't take much to win my heart!! I still love Jordan the bestest though. :-) I don't even recall seeing Ddub or Danny. After my Joe moment I kind of floated out of the room, giving Charlie a hug on the way out. I am such a Charlie girl!! haha. MC was all excited because she got her first Jon hug and Jen....OMG, she was high as a kite on Ddub love after he pulled her to him for a huge hug. All in M&G!

We eventually got our tickets at 7pm, row NN so they were not 5* seats but a hell of alot better than our original tickets so we were happy. The concert was amazing, as usual. This was the 4th time I had seen this particular show and it never gets old. I could watch it every night and not get bored. Loved the venue although the staff were Nazi's! Once you were in the venue you were not allowed out at all. It was like being held prisoner for a few hours. I spent the next 90 minutes, happy in my JK bubble. The shirt ripping in Click made me chew vigorously on my glow straw (pictured) until it broke and no longer glowed. Booo. Loved the new NYC imagery at the start of a show, very obviously constructed to fill us with feelings of melancholy excitement, remembering where it all started and now where it is all New York. Whatever, I'm pessimistic by nature but I can buy into that for a few minutes and soak up the love in the room.

So with the show over it was time to turn our attention to the after party at Amnesia nightclub. GA tickets were $25 each and VIP $75. We had GA tickets. We decided to go back to the hotel quickly to change out of our outfits and put on shoes that were a bit eaiser to dance in than 5" stilletos. I'd lost all feeling in my toes hours before so wasnt really too bothered. The energy shots had started to wear off and we were all feeling like zombies at this point. We took ages changing our clothes and as we were getting ready we were hearing all kinds of things on Twitter about the after party we were about to go to. Stories of tradgedy and tears as Blockheads were turned away from the nightclub for dressing like New Kids On The Block fans. lol. It seems that the club was not hired exclusively for this after party so it was operating as business as usual with normal club rules applying and those club rules were no flip flops or shorts or anything that your average NK fan likes to NK T-shirts. Girls were in tears. Some complaining that they were turned away because they did not fit the "look" of the club. To be honest with you, I can see it from both sides. If I had paid $75 for a VIP ticket and then was turned away at the door I would be pissed to. However, I would also never go to a New York nightclub wearing a New Kids T-shirt and shorts. It's a nighclub....and its New York, a very fashion conscious city where having people that look the part in your club is half of the game. I felt that some of the fans should have thought a bit more about where they were going and figured that maybe they should dress up a little bit.

So seeing these tweets and also tweets about how much it sucked and how un-organised it was we decided not to bother going and instead went to Olive Garden for dinner (pictured) This was my first time ever in Olive Garden. I was excited!!! haha!! I'm so low-rent!

Woke up tired on Saturday and somehow ended up in this Irish pub for breakfast. It didn't look anything like any Irish pub I had ever been in mainly due to the fact that no one was fighting or river-dancing and all of the waiters were Mexican! Donde esté my lucky charms??

I had decided to wear a dress that unintentionally made my boobs look enormous and so spent the entire day walking around with men staring at them. I decided I wanted to buy this horrendously expensive camera for the show and whilst browsing the numerous camera shops in the Times Square area we were stopped by a happy dude called Ben who worked for Comedy Central. He was trying to sell us tickets to a Comdey show that night but we told him we were already going to a show. He said "New Kids On The Block?" we said "How did you guess that?". He said that every other person he was stopping was going to to concert that night. We got into a discussion with him about New Kids and he said they should have done the show at the Hammerstein cause its cooler than Radio City!! LOL! We ended up convincing him that he should come to the show and he said that if we could get a ticket to him by 5pm he would come. We said, you're on! However, he changed his mind when he realised that he would not be able to sit with us and would probably be sandwiched in between a bunch of girls he didnt know going nuts over a band he barely knew....he was only 21, bless him! He's was a sweetie though.

We decided we wanted to walk to Central Park. We had a map and started walking down 6th Ave. We walked for miles and still no sign of any park. It was only then we realised we were walking the wrong way down 6th and had practically walked all the way from Times Square to Greenwich Village! haha!! 3 blondes and a map....oh dear! I got the blame because I had been to New York many times and still went the wrong way. My excuse was I normally stay Downtown and so everything is backwards to me!! Jen and MC wanted to ride the Subway so we got a ticket and jumped on the train bound for Coney Island. We were gutted that we had to get on the D-Train and not the J-Train. lol. Did some pole dancing on the train and got off at 49th Street. As we were walking around a girl came up to us. She was doing a promo for a spa. Normally I walk straight past these things but it sounded pretty good. A whole spa package worth $300 for $40. We decided it could be fun and in the very least we would get our hair done all nice for the show that night.

Jumped in a taxi and headed out to Chelsea, the gay centre of New York to the salon. OMG, never have I been in a more ghetto spa in my life. It was hilarious!! It was pretty cheap looking and was run by this older, kind of angry Latina woman who looked like she was on the verge of a mental breakdown. As soon as I walked in there I thought there is no fucking way I am letting these bitches colour my hair. There were two really young latina girls in charge of the hair washing. They were the worst hair washers ever and I mean seriously how hard can it be?? My one seemed to be able to get the water everywhere apart from on my hair, I was soaked by the time she'd finished. It was like I'd been hosed down by the fire brigade but not quite as sexy. MC's hair washer managed to wet the top of her hair but the rest of it underneath was completely dry. After squirting freezing cold water over her, she said "is that too hot??" haha! MC was like "Um, no its cold" so she set the temperature to moderately above freezing and carried on. Mine kept complaining that I had a lot of hairpsray in my hair!! Um biyatch, I didnt come here for a lecture on my overuse of sticky hair products. I'm paying you to wash my damn hair and shut the hell up. The conversation was mind numbing. MC's hair washer said "I hear you have hot showers in Canda because its so cold" LMAO!!! MC said "um, you don't have hot showers here?" She said "no, its too hot in New York!" WTF??? Mine kept asking me how much it cost to have my hair cut in London. When I told her, she advised that it would be cheaper for me to fly to New York and visit her again for a hair cut. Um, I'll pass thanks all the same. After a while we didn't care if they heard us bitching about the salon with MC shouting at one point "This is so fucking ghetto!". Thank goodness but Jennifer Lopez Jr and her friend were not drying our hair. That was left to the angry old lady. I asked her if I could have it curled and she looked at me horrifed and said "we don't have curling tongs". Oh I'm sorry, I thought I was in a hair salon...I must be mistaken. Told her, fine, just blow dry it...and dont do it flat or I'll hit you on the nose with my can of hairspray. I immediately regretted requesting that she put a bit of body into my hair as she started teasing it with a huge round brush until it was absolutely huge!! She was trying to turn me into a Mexican transvestite! The hairdryer was so damn hot I think I got 3rd degree burns on my ears. When I asked her to turn the heat down a bit she said she couldn't.....wait for it......because its humid outside!! haha!! How she managed to make a correlation between the heat of the hair dryer and the weather I will never know. To top off a truly hilarious experience in Salon Ghetto, we had neck and back massges given to us by Jennifer Lopez Jr and her gormless mate. I sat in the chair and she said "do you want me to use oil?". I'm wearing a dress for gods sake! The last thing I want is to leave here looking like I've just gone for a dip on the Gulf Coast! We left the salon laughing our asses off. It was totally worth the money!! haha!

Got back to the hotel and as usual had to fight our way through the fans to get inside. The same people were sitting in the lobby. I wondered if they had moved at all during the day! Saw Kevin in the lobby so stopped to have a chat with him for a bit and then went to the room, pumped up the tunes and got ready for that nights show.

It was nuts outside when we got to Radio City. Loads of ticket touts selling tickets. We were gonna buy some if they were better than our seats but they only seemed to have 2nd mezz tickets so we weren't interested. We were a few rows back from where we were the previous evening and on the opposite side. We still had a great view though. Got to my seat and this girl stood up in front of me. She was tall! My immediate thought was "who is this tall bitch???" grrrr...and then I realised it was Lenny @MLeonard1028 so I forgave her tallness! haha! Again the show rocked. JK was on FIRE that night! I've never seen him perform with quite so much vigour, he was truly amazing and a joy to watch! I loved the fact that he was loving it! I was looking forward to watching Joe's solo as I had gone to the bar the night before to get a drink when he was performing the night before.

However, as his solo started we were distracted by drama in the aisle next to us. Barret came down the aisle to watch her hubby and was stopped by security from going any further down the aisle! This has happened with Harley earlier too, but he flashed some ID and was let down there. However, the nazi security chick was not letting Barret go anywhere. Fans tried to help by saying to the chick that she was his wife but I can imagine she said something along the lines of "that's what they all say!". LOL!! At one point I saw Barret point to the stage and say "That's my husband up there". Still no dice. This bitch weren't playing. She takes her job VERY seriously! Eventually Barret was rescued by NK Security and taken down to the front. Due to this highly exciting drama I once again missed most of Joe's performance!! LOL!

So its get to the accoustic part of the show. I love this part, mainly because Jordan is normally sweaty at this point and seeing his sweat drizzled face and chest projected onto the big screen is the highlight of the evening for me! Love me some sweaty JK! Rumours had abounded on twitter for a while that The Backstreet Boys were going to make an appearance during the show. I had feeling it was going to be now. The NK's asked if they could sing another song and when the opening line of "I Want It That Way" echoed round RCMH we knew what was about to happen. It was a strange experience hearing Jordan singing a BSB sing. Of course he sang it perfectly cause he's so awesome but the crowd reaction was strange. People looked confused. Not sure what was going on and if they should be happy or angry. The girls in front of us sat down and started tweeting. As I looked around the room I saw a lot of people sitting down, I even saw some leaving.

The curtain went up and there were the Backstreet Boys....I am no huge fan of BSB but you couldn't help but feel you were witnessing something historic and kind of cool. I thought the people that sat down were ridiculous. Sitting down in "loyalty" to New Kids, what a load of bs. If the NK's do not have a problem with BSB, why do you? Surely as loyal fans we should be respecting the desicions they make and the guests that they choose to invite to their show. Whatever, I don't want to waste anymore time talking about immature girls. So they all sang together. To me, it was very obvious that the New Kids could wipe them off the stage. BSB can sing but for me they just do not have the edge that the NK's have. Our boys look better, sound better, perform better and have a lot more charisma. Saying that, I enjoyed the performance alot. BSB were then given the stage to perform "Shape Of My Heart". They were very gracious to the NK's with Brian saying that they looked up to them and recognised that the NK's set the template for boybands. I'll give him props for must have burnt a little bit. Kevin's head must be exploding....somewhere in rehab! lol.

Naturally we couldn't make it through the show without Donnie crying. The signs were there. Joe did a little speech, Donnie couldn't wait for him to stop talking so he could say his bit, haha!! It was the usual speech laced with love and joy joy feelings. I'm pretty sure he has secretly hired Tony Robbins as his ghostwriter. The speech ran along similar lines to normal....look into the crowd humbly, choke back tears, try to speak again, choke back more tears and then when the crowd is at fever pitch let a single tear run down the cheek and do some head bobbing in recognition of our fabulousness. I don't entirely buy it, but it had the desired effect on 90% of the crowd with girls blubbering and passing round tissues. Awww, he's such a ball of emotion. Bless him!

So with the show over it was time to go to tonight after party at Quo nightclub. We decided to go tonight as it was the last night and we wanted to have a big final night blow out and shake our wobbly bits. We jumped in a cab and headed off to Quo nightclub. Is it just me or was the club located in a really dodgy part of town? Anyway, the line was long but like good little Blockheads we stood and waited patiently. I spy Johnny walking up and down the line with a list, looking super official with a blank expression on his face. At one point Jen said something to Johnny to which she was met with silence. Didn't even crack a smile. Seems that this time around, he's taking his job as chief gopher EVERSO seriously. As we got towards the front of the line the guy on the door was busy breaking little Blockhead hearts. He was telling a fan that she was not allowed in the club because she was wearing open toed shoes. The girl started wailing "You're breaking my heart right now!! and trying to hold back the tears". He wasn't having any of it though and said she couldn't come in. She ran from the line crying, hotly followed by two friends both looking pissed.

So we get in the club. Its kind of a regular looking nightclub. They seemed to have an obsession with strobe lighting and at one point there was so much strobe action I could barely see 2ft in front of me. I went to the bar and was tapped on the shoulder by a girl who asked me if I was "Kate" well, she didnt say Kate, she said my real name. I said yeah and she said "I just want you to know, that I am not a stalker". I said "Ummm, ok" and smiled. She told me her twitter name but like most people I meet I could not place her but figured that she knew me so gave her a hug and walked off comforted by the news that that was one less restraining order I would need to take out. LOL!! I was a tad confused!

So we partied for a bit, danced and shook our sizeable booties all over Quo nightclub. This dude kept walking past and staring. After the 5th drive by he decided to open his mouth and say somthing which was along the lines of "Hot damn!". I kind of ignored him and then we all went to this little area outside to smoke. The smoking area was packed with people. That is where we met up with @wizbif @ktsummer and @Kimber_Ann (pictured) three people that I know off of Twitter but had never met before. Bless Kimber, she couldn't stop crying the entire time we were talking. New Kids + final night with BH friends + alcohol = uncontrollable sobbing! She was a sweetheart...even though she did burst out laughing at my accent everytime I opened my mouth!! haha! Speaking of which, around that time this chick comes rolling out the door and asked me for a light. I knew immediately that she was British....she had that posh, annoying, north London look about her. I said something to her and she said "Are you taking the piss out of my accent?" WIGGA WHAT??? I mean seriously WTF? I said "Um, no...I am British". She then launched into a rant about how Americans constantly make fun of her voice. She was one annoying biyach, very pretentious. She said "So, are you here all summer too??". I was thinking "awww, daddys Princess has been sent to the Big Apple all summer whilst mummy and daddy holiday in Monte Carlo". Blargh! She was under the impression that just because we were from the same land mass that we should instantly bond in this land of foreigners that talk all weird. She was sorely mistaken.

I was saved from the annoying British chick by the guy who had been stalking us round the club earlier. He came out and started chatting. His name was Gentie and he was from.........THE JERSEY SHORE!! *double fist pump* He kept hugging me and trying to lick my face. We got into a conversation about the New Kids and he said that he dated "those Knight guys" neice, Jessica about 10 years ago. My bullshit detector went into overdrive but I listened to his story of dating Jessica and was entertained for all of 10 minutes! Just then, Donnie arrives. He walks straight past us and into the club. We go back in briefuly to hear his little speech before Roscoe starts rapping. It was pretty funny though, alot of the regular club goers were looking at each other and saying "Who's that guy???". haha!!

So we jumped in a cab and headed back to the hotel! He dropped us off a little way up the street and as we walked towards the hotel we could still the cult hanging around outside. As we were walking this short Mexican guy comes walking towards us, he was smiling so I started to do a little dance. He was an older guy and happy looking so he kind of grabbed me and we did a little waltz in the street, it was kind of cute and we were having fun. That was until the fun-killers arrived! Suddenly out of nowhere these two girl appeared and started saying "Does she know him??" Jen said "no, shes just having fun". These two matriarchs were not having it though and took it upon themselves to "rescue me" from this "dangerous" situation shouting "She's a Blockhead sister!". It was pretty embarrassing as a) I had instigated the dancing b) he was old and harmless and c) we were having fun. The mariarchs dragged me by the arm away from the old guy. We got it all on video. It's pretty hysterical! I'm sure they were trying to help but honestly, I didn't need it. When we got inside the hotel, the lobby was crazy. Loads of fans still there....sitting and waiting. We got in the elevator with two guys who were asking us about all the people in the lobby. We told them they were all NK fans. They asked if we were too and we said yes, at that point they started making derogatory comments about how we were nuts etc etc. The elevator stopped on floor 6, the doors opened and in gets Earl. The guys said "and this dude is their security, right??". Earl just stared them down. We said to Earl we wanted to get a picture with him and he said sure to which the guys said "you are just as bad as those in the lobby". Well, sufficide to say that didnt go down very well with Earl and he called them both "fucking fags" before getting out of the elvator with us!! haha!! SLAP DOWN! wooo! Loved it. We took pics with Earl in the corridor and then went to our room to bed.

So the final day swings around. We are all sad that we have to leave each other soon. We head on outside the hotel to have a smoke and Earl comes out and gives Jen a big hug. I'm already planning what hat I am going to wear to their wedding. Earl was in his civilian Block Security T-Shirt today! He's so huge we asked if he could pick us up, he obliged and we got some great pics! Love the Earl-ster!! All too soon it was time to leave. MC and Jen were driving back to Canada so they offered to take me to JFK. A tearful goodbye was all that was left and I walked through the doors into the airport not knowing when I was going to see them again. It sucked ass!

Mimicking the Earl hug from earlier, MC jumped into my arms and all three of us had a tearful girly hug!

Saying that, the wonderful memories of the weekend kept me happy the whole flight home. Another amazing weekend in the life of a Blockhead......

......New York. Concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there's nothing you can't do, now you're in New York, these streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you.....Until next time......Peace, love and The Block x

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